
  • Salem Hikmat Nasser
  • José Garcez Ghirardi


The connections between Law or, more broadly, normativity, and globalization have been the object of intense scholarly scrutiny for the past three decades. This debate has produced expressions such as “Global Law”, re-signified “Transnational Law” and explored notions such as “Internationalization of Law”. Such literature has not translated, however, into conceptual consensus, nor has it been able to fully explore the complex interplay between two of the central concepts in the field, namely, “Law of globalization” and “Law in globalization”. This paper discusses
and problematizes the connections between these two concepts. It aims at highlighting the complexities involving the debate on normativity and globalization, and at pointing out to risks that some of the dynamics involved in these dimensions pose to the rule of Law. The argument starts with a critical review of the literature on the field, and then presents the descriptive-analytical perspective it adopts to examine this phenomenon; its final section discusses some problematical implications of the relation between Law of globalization and Law in globalization.


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