
  • Paula Wojcikiewicz Almeida


This article evaluates the impact of the Inter-American Court of Human Rights (IACtHR) jurisprudence in the  International Court of Justice (ICJ) case law. Based on empirical and qualitative analysis, it aims to present an overview of citations patterns in ICJ case law as far as the IACtHR is concerned. Since most external citations to IACtHR case law by the ICJ are found in individual opinions, this article will also present a qualitative analysis of the most cited issues by the most active ICJ judge with a view to identifying the functions of the judicial dialogue, as developed by Anne-Marie Slaughter, which encompass (i) the general cross-fertilization function; and (ii) the function of ‘enhancing the  persuasiveness, authority or legitimacy of individual judicial decisions. The article intends to assess the ICJ’s openness to judicial dialogue, in particular with the IACtHR.

KEYWORDS: Judicial Dialogue. Impact. International Court of Justice. Inter-American Court of Human Rights.


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